Hollywood South: An Aerial Perspective
In this fantastic piece by AIrWorthy Tours, you'll be treated to aerial tours of well-known movie and TV filming locations in the state of Louisiana, which is now sometimes called Hollywood South. The video features aerial footage of the state capital of Baton Rouge, a filming location for the Twilight Series, the Magnificent Seven, and more; Evergreen (Django Unchained, Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Slayers, and more); Six Flags New Orleans (Jurassic World and other big-budget movies); the production studios of Elmwood; New Orleans; and more.
- over 4 years ago
- 1.1k VŪZ
14 - 15
- Report
For the past twenty years, Louisiana has been a well sought out destination for the film and television industry. Dubbed "Hollywood South", the state has produced billion-dollar box office hits, Academy Award Winners, and everything in between. We will be taking a look at some of the most famous movie locations in Louisiana, so sit back relax and enjoy your tour
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Hollywood Hills Real Estate

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Hollywood Sign | MrGeeSeeks

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#DRONEON | HOLLYWOOD SIGN 🎥⭐️😎 | Phantom 4 4K Video
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Los Angeles Mavic Air
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