Holiday Cheer From Around The World


All around the world, scenes of holiday celebrations and cheer are perfect for capture from above by drones.  Whether it's holiday displays or New Year's fireworks, content creators from the worldwide AirVuz community are there to capture these scenes with their drones.  AirVuz has been able to package this content into highly visual video clips, which are perfect for seasonal digital signage displays.  This clip is a sample from the AirVuz library, which continues to grow each year.  

  • about 4 years ago
  • 656 VŪZ
  • 24
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To view the "Holiday Drone Videos" collection CLICK HERE

Drone videos featured in this compilation:

Opening of the main Christmas tree. Kyiv, Ukraine. - Tempostudio

Moscow New Year 2020 Merry Christmas - pushkinflyteam

The Christmas lights in Debrecen - K&P studio

Lisbon Dressed up for Christmas - ArturCarvalho

Bentleyville "Tour of Lights": Duluth MN - Minnesota.Mike

Idaho Botanical Garden presents Winter Garden a Glow -
Rapid Aerial LLc


See more footage like this on DroneTV on Amazon Fire