Highline at Harwoods Hole, New Zealand
A calm walk through the forest quickly becomes a dizzying display of skill as adventurers set up a highline across Harwoods Hole, part of a system of caves on the South Island of New Zealand. In this drone video by contributor YoumiTrip, the aerial view of the hole, cut out from the vast forest surrounding it, contrasts with handheld GoPro footage to create a vertigo-inducing new perspective on the landmark.
- over 7 years ago
- 3.1k VŪZ
36 - 31
- Report
Some friends rigged a line at the top of Harwoods hole in New Zealand. Here is a short video I made.
Up Next
The Banks Peninsula Project - A Highline Adventure

- YoumiTrip
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droNZ #11 The Gap (Castle Hill Peak)

- YoumiTrip
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New Zealand - A year around the South Island by Phantom 3

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New Zealand High Line Festival 2016 - Official

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Dronie at Cape Farewell, New Zealand

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TopVūz: June 16th

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From Russia to New Zealand by Drone

- YoumiTrip
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Around the South Island of New Zealand

- YoumiTrip
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Beautiful Sunrise Dronie

- YoumiTrip
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