Grindelwald Glacier | Cinematic FPV

  • over 2 years ago
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Finally done with the edit from when Marcel Schlupf and I went on this insane hike up to one of the glaciers near Grindelwald, Switzerland, back in August. The sceneries up there literally blew us away but at the same time it was kind of sad seeing and hearing the glacier crumble away, knowing that we'll live to see them disappear fully :( Hope you still enjoy this edit though! Huge thanks to Marcel Schlupf for the additional chase footage! Check out his channels, too: Stabilized with ReelSteady GO. Gear: AstroX X5 V2 Silky Version 6" T-Motor F80 (2408) 2200KV FlightOne Revolt OSD Lite Hobbywing 4in1 60A Ethix K2 Props Runcam Swift Mini 2 Mr Steele Version 2,5mm TBS Unify Pro HV TBS Crossfire Diversity Nano Immortal T Antenna x2, TrueRC OCP Long Antenna GoPro Hero 10 Black Radio: FrSky Taranis X9D Plus Special Edition TBS Crossfire Micro Module Goggles: Fatshark Dominator HDO FuriousFPV True-D X Diversity Module Ethix Mad Mushroom + Ethix Crosshair Extreme Music: M83 - Moonchild