GABONGO - A Story of Nature
Drone pilot Face du Monde brings us this magnificent video production from the West African country of Gabon. This video uses drone footage to pay tribute to the American environmental scientist J. Michael Fay and the Spanish-born National Geographic "explorer in residence" Eric Sala, who spent extensive time exploring Gabon's fragile eco-systems and were credited with helping this stunningly bio-diverse country establish its national park system as well as its extensive system of oceanic reserves. This video earned a nomination for the landscape category at the NYCDFF.
- almost 5 years ago
- 2.5k VŪZ
35 - 46
- Report
This film is a tribute to two explorers, J. Michael Fay & Enric Sala, who spent a part of their lives to protect the environment in Gabon. In the 2000s J. Michael Fay, an American environmentalist, spent over 455 days and walked over 3,200 miles through West Africa and Gabon. During this expedition, he surveyed plants, wildlife and observed the human impact on uninhabited forest. Enric Sala, a National Geographic explorer and marine scientist, helped develop the protected marine area of Gabon. Their expeditions and works enabled to convince the President Bongo and his son to found the first network of national parks in Gabon and the largest oceanic reserve in Africa. - 4K Available- Director: Kevin Clerc Scriptwritter: Guillaume Biollay VO Artist: Audio Pigment Studio & Voice Crafter Music: The Light Within by Blake Ewing Licenced on MusicBed Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/facedumonde Website: http://facedumonde.fr Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lafacedumonde
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