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Fpv Failsafe - Long Range fail - Flight - Fail - Rescued no Quad is left behind
This long range, mountain surfing flight by FPV pilot KerniFPV is cinematic and full of beauty. That is, until you get to about the two-minute mark. Our pilot loses signal and crashes almost immediately; the crash was made all the worse because KerniFPV had no idea where his quad was. After three days of searching, he finally found it, miraculously, in pretty good condition. It could have turned out much worse and our drone pilot can easily say, ‘lesson learned!’ This video made the FPV Pilots to Watch list in May of 2019.
- almost 6 years ago
- 1.7k VŪZ
11 - 11
- Report
To be clear, it was all my fault, I have the rule No. 1 ignored "Keep Line of sight" Unfortunately I was about 2m too deep behind the mountain when the Fpv failsafe struck, as you can see I lost the FPV signal in less than one second almost as if I had flown into a wall, At that moment I only increased the throttle and pulled out slightly to the left, shortly after the signal loss the FPV image came back again, but in this stressful situation I forgot, that this is not my Betaflight Quad, where I set Failsafe to position Hold, on this Quad is Failsafe on Cut, When the FPV signal was gone, also the Crossfire signal was gone and so after 3 seconds the quad was off, on this Quad I set double arm so I would have had to double a switch to save the quad in the air but I simply did not succeed. THIS WAS MY FIRST long range fail, I just concentrated too much on the perfect film line to keep the sun exactly in line with the mountains and was just too low 2m higher and it would have gone better. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ➲ SUBSCRIBE to our channel https://goo.gl/C7cAog ➲ LIKE SHARE AND ✓ Please leave a comment ✍ ♥ THANKS FOR WATCHING and Supporting us -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you just look for my fail then go strait to 2:14 The place where my drone crashed is really a secluded place where it is extremely steep and no way goes up, and there is also a lot of snow, but as always no quad is left behind! On the first day, the rescue mission was stopped after a three-hour hike, it was too late and I didn't have enough strength to cross the last big snowfield. 3 days later, my buddy, Tom said to go on, let's try it again, this time we chose a different route, I live in the mountains and love it, but that was definitely one of my craziest tours ever, a real adventure, unfortunately, I only have a GoPro 7 and this was on my long distance quad, so there are only photos and short videos of my cell phone from this rescue mission After a strenuous 2 30 long direct ascent through snow and extremely steep hanging we came near the last snowfield where I was sure the crash had happened (I had looked at the DVR about 100 times) and our hope was that the quad would be there or let's say I hoped to wait for the rest of my quadcopter to lie there. But I was incredibly lucky, my quad was not damaged at all, only the lipo burst open and my GoPro was even on it. I'd say after this crash it's a miracle that everyone survived so well. So for all the long range flyers out there don't forget rule number 1 and make sure you are sure which failsafe setting you have and the best thing to do is try it on the meadow or without props. THANKS TOM FOR YOUR SUPPORT WITH THE RESCUE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ➲ Watch also our latest Upload Playlist: https://goo.gl/XjZXra ✓ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KerniFPV here you find me on other Social media Sides ➲ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kernifpv/ ➲ Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/KerniFPV ➲ Airvuz - https://www.airvuz.com/user/kernifpv ➲ FPVBook - https://www.fpvbook.com/profile-292/ ➲ Facebook - https://goo.gl/iXnSPg ➲ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Kerni85 ➲ Rotorbuilds.com - https://rotorbuilds.com/build/2144 ➲ Amazon - https://amzn.to/2GmiUxM ➲ Blog - https://kernifpv.de -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KerniFPV Parts Frame: Reverb - https://amzn.to/2GlEOBs Flightcontroller: Revolt - https://amzn.to/2t5nnNz ESC: T-motor 4in1 BLHeli32 https://amzn.to/2XeVWOs Motor: Hobbywing and Johnyfpv - https://amzn.to/2t2lAZM -https://amzn.to/2G88oLz Probs: Tmotor T-5150 - https://amzn.to/2DdorV6 Battery: SLS NoC VideoTR: TBS Vision Board or Unify - https://amzn.to/2GozM7d - https://amzn.to/2D6NVTf Antena: TBS Triumph - https://amzn.to/2GpZqIW RC Link: TBS Crossfire Nano with immortal T and TBS Crossfire full - https://amzn.to/2t6wuxK - https://amzn.to/2GncLl3 FPV camera: Runcam swift 2 https://amzn.to/2t6wXju FPV-Glasses: Fatshark Transformer HD + Clearview TBS - https://amzn.to/2D9C2vO - https://amzn.to/2GpZWXo HD Camera: GoPro Hero 7 Black - https://amzn.to/2DbllAg other Useful Tools I have always in my backpack Mobile Solder Iron - TS 100 https://amzn.to/2Gp5fpQ Gopro Battery Charger - https://amzn.to/2TxBxm6 Gopro Tripod - https://amzn.to/2TvPscr Powerbank - https://amzn.to/2GoAlxR SD Car Reader - https://amzn.to/2D6OOex #KerniFPV #TEAMBLACKSHEEP #fpv #drone #quadcopter #longrangefpv #drones #longrangeflying #multirotor #GoProHERO7
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