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Flying Around Centennial Park
Centennial Olympic Park was created as a gathering spot for visitors and residents to enjoy during the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia. It is forever associated with one of the more infamous events in Olympic history - the pipe bombing which occurred on July 27, roughly mid-way through the Games of the XXVI Olympiad as they were officially known. The explosion killed two and injured about a dozen. In this drone video by Bumble Bee Productions, you will get a bird's eye view of the park and its urban surroundings.
- over 5 years ago
- 1.2k VŪZ
13 - 18
- Report
I decided to cruise around the Centennial park area where the World of Coca Cola, the Georgia Aquarium, the Centennial Park, State capital building, the Carousel, The Mercedes Benz Stadium and all these high rises are nestled in the downtown Atlanta area. this city comes to life at night and remains alive until the sunrises. I like droning early in the am as I look forward to Georgia amazing sunrises.
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Centennial Olympic Park

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- Bumble Bee Product...
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- Bumble Bee Product...
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Burnaby Mountain - The Fog and The Seasons
- bunlee
- 1.1k VŪZ
11 - 20
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