First day back!!!
- over 7 years ago
- 1.7k VŪZ
58 - 42
- Report
After a crippling knee injury while filming DR1...surgery, pain...HELL, and the long journey home from Ireland. I told myself I WILL NOT FLY....until I can walk on my own two legs. A typical Patellar tendon full tear normally takes two months until standing. 13 days later here I am. Dedication, and mental strength. Most of all the love and care from those I hold dear to my heart.
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DN16 Anger channeling

- NytfuryFPV
- 960 VŪZ
29 - 22
- over 8 years ago
Coming back around

- NytfuryFPV
- 780 VŪZ
15 - 5
- about 8 years ago
Do da Slinky!!!

- NytfuryFPV
- 1.3k VŪZ
23 - 7
- over 8 years ago

- NytfuryFPV
- 1.6k VŪZ
25 - 11
- over 8 years ago
Spaceport America race

- NytfuryFPV
- 691 VŪZ
12 - 7
- over 8 years ago
Prescott MGP Regional Qualifier

- NytfuryFPV
- 2.2k VŪZ
37 - 14
- almost 8 years ago
DRL Dreamin

- NytfuryFPV
- 594 VŪZ
13 - 4
- over 8 years ago
Freestyle Racing

- NytfuryFPV
- 842 VŪZ
19 - 10
- about 8 years ago
Little Jitters

- NytfuryFPV
- 662 VŪZ
10 - 7
- over 8 years ago
MultiGP Championship Track Inspirations

- NytfuryFPV
- 1.5k VŪZ
28 - 22
- over 8 years ago