FPV Adventures Vol.4 + Drone Crash/Rescue - vic_man_fpv
- about 8 years ago
- 211 VŪZ
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Nuevo vídeo resumen de mis últimos vuelos de freestyle por varios spots de la zona con rescate incluido de mi drone de la copa de un pino. Buenos vuelos con mis compis @el_verde_fpv y @elgalloninjafpv
New video resumen of my latest fpv days in some spots of the area. With a drone rescue included!!!! Good fpv days with my friends @el_verde_fpv and @elgalloninja
Espero que os guste, por favor, si es así suscribíos y compartid si queréis!
I hope you like it, please share and subscribe!!!
Mis redes / My social networks
twitter: @vic_man_fpv
instagram: @vic_man_fpv
Mi configuración / My configuration
Frame TC-R 220 (QUAV-R clone)
Motores Emax Racing Edition 2205 - 2300 KV
Variadores LittleBee 20A PRO
Controladora Diatone Naze32 Rev6 B
Batería 4S 1800 35-70C Turnigy NanoTech
Palas GENFAM 5045 Tripala
VTX Eachine ET526 0-25-200-600Mw
Cámara: Foxeer HS1190 Arrow
Cámara de video: FIREFLY 6S
Argofox: royalty free background music for YouTube videos and Twitch streams. Monetize songs with no copyright concerns!
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YouTube Playlist: http://bit.ly/ArgofoxUL
SoundCloud Playlist: http://bit.ly/ArgofoxSC
Stream on Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1dXZluG
Support on iTunes: http://apple.co/1dqPsVu
Download on SoundCloud: http://bit.ly/1Jzlg8o
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