FLY KOREA - South Korea_ Incheon "Ara" Water way - travel" 4K Drone Footage
Check out this drone video of a major new canal in South Korea, compliments of FLYKOREA. The Ara Canal connects the Han River (one of the country's most important waterways) to the Yellow Sea on the western side of the Korean Peninsula. It runs between the Seo District of Incheon (South Korean's third largest city and part of Greater Seoul) to the Seo District of Seoul. Completed in 2012 at considerable cost, the canal was built both to provide outdoor leisure opportunities as well as for flood control.
- almost 6 years ago
- 1.2k VŪZ
13 - 13
- Report
This is the "Ara" Water way of Incheon in Korea. There is a starting point for bicycle travel in Korea and there are canals and many boats are places to go. To view the original, please visit your YouTube address ~ ( https://youtu.be/AuORBfUp3uE ) directly. I want to share a lot of information and find friends to subscribe to. Have a nice day. thank you. -FLYKOREA
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FLY KOREA - South Korea_ Incheon "Songdo travel" 4K Drone Footage

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