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F*K it, I'm switching to RaceFlight
- almost 8 years ago
- 1.2k VŪZ
16 - 13
- Report
This is gonna be a long one... So on December 31st, 2016 I had a pretty good crash. I was using a Martian II frame (I know, shame on me, but I definitely learned a good lesson!) and the crash snapped the frame pushing the top plate into my Unify Pro, which pushed into the KISS FC (or so I was assuming) and the bottom plate up into my Matek HubOSD, also frying that. Oh, the antenna was done and the camera disappeared to who knows where as well. Well, I bought an Alien frame, a new camera, VTx, said F* it to having an OSD anymore, and proceeded to build up the new quad. When I went to start configuring it, I noticed the LEDs on the KISS ESCs were not lighting up and thought wtf how are those dead too? So I hooked up a different set of ESCs (EMAX Lightning_S 35amp) and continued. Once I armed I realized PWM3 was not putting out a signal and when I checked it with the multimeter it was grounded out. So I bought another KISS FC and a month later another full set of KISS ESCs and back in the air I was. Until this Sunday (May 14th, 2017). While flying around I had an ESC blow up and I fell to the earth, and when I looked at the ESC, the tape holding it to the arm was scorched and charred. I was about to order another when I thought to myself "I better pull this ESC off and check the rest out before I order a single replacement, cuz it might have taken out the rest like last time". And sure enough, even though all three other ESCs show no sign of damage, they all don't light up and are unresponsive. I was not in the mood for dealing with new ESCs right then so I threw on those EMAX Lighting_S ESCs again, switched to Oneshot 125, and was back in the air. I flew a few packs but things were feeling funky and I remembered those ESCs were kinda messed up too (I even had one of the positive leads soldered directly to the capacitors since the pad was ripped off from too much hardcore ripping balls :P)((which is really a testament to the ability of those ESCs to hold up to about anything)). Well, I finished making my "Tom Smith FPV" video and charged up the LiPos. When I went out again, the motor on PWM3 wouldn't respond and so I figured it was the broken BLHeli ESC going out. Well I switched known good and perceived bad ESCs and what do you know, the "bad" ESC worked perfectly. When I checked PWM3, it was grounded out, just like the last time.
Both times ended with a reasonably hard crash (like the many myself and others have) but those two particular times the entire KISS powertrain spontaneously sh*t out. I love the way my quad flies with KISS gear, but I just cannot deal with replacing the entire setup once one of the 5 pieces craps out. This will be my last flight video on KISS components.
*** Gear ***
~~Cinematic Drone~~
- DJI Inspire 2
- DJI Zenmuse X4S
~~5 Inch Build~~
- Impulse RC Alien 5" RR5 edition - http://store.rotorriot.com/impulse-rc...
- Lumenier RX2206-11 2350KV Motors - http://a.co/eSBL9XT
- KISS FC -http://amzn.to/2hLJVex
- KISS 24A ESCs ( Dshot600) - http://amzn.to/2hLJXmT
- DALPROP T5046C Cyclone Tri-blade Props
- Rotor Riot Edition Runcam Swift (camera tilt 25°) - http://amzn.to/2isV45s
- TBS Core PNP25 (only using for the filtered 5V rail and microphone) - http://amzn.to/2huUSlL
- TBS Triumph CP Antenna - http://amzn.to/2hLM8qo
( I actually use the stubby version but they both work great http://a.co/emTRSge)
- TBS Unify Pro 800mW VTx - http://amzn.to/2gJy2IF
- FrSky X4RSB Receiver (SBUS) - http://a.co/isDHuOH
~~3 Inch Build~~
- Shendrones Shrieker 130 - http://a.co/10OlnXd
- BrotherHobby Tornado T1 1407 3600KV Motors - http://a.co/c5jJI3G
- DYS BLHeli XM 20A V2 ESCs (MultiShot)
- RMRC Seriously Dodo Flight Controller Rev 3b - http://a.co/bHcJ7Fh
- PowerOSD PDB (broken, gonna pull that out when I rebuild it next)
- XSOUL 3045 Bullnose Tri-Blade Props - http://a.co/2WG5M2k
- 600TVL 110 degree Wide Angle Super Mini FPV Camera
- TBS Triumph CP Antenna - http://amzn.to/2hLM8qo
( I actually use the stubby version but they both work great http://a.co/emTRSge)
- UBAD 200mW VTx
- FrSky XSR Receiver (SBUS) - http://a.co/57U5BBd
- Tattu 1300mAh 75C 4S LiPo http://a.co/41AlGg9
- GoPro Session5 - http://amzn.to/2hLCEM2
- GoPro Session5 Glass Stick-on Lens protector - http://amzn.to/2gJvQRp
- BMC3D TPU Alien GoPro Session 30° Mount (This guy's stuff is seriously the best!!) - https://www.bmc3d.co/products/alien-3...
- FrSky Taranis X9D Radio - http://a.co/5snI5lq
- FrSky M9 Hall Effect Gimbals - http://www.progressiverc.com/frsky-m9-hall-sensor-gimbal-for-taranis.html
- Fatshark Dominator HD3 - http://amzn.to/2gJuYvL
- LaForge V2 Main and Diversity Modules - http://amzn.to/2hrmTxc
- VAS Mad Mushroom - http://amzn.to/2hLJZLp
- IRC 8dbi Patch - http://amzn.to/2hrnGyg
- BMC3D TPU LaForge Covers - https://www.bmc3d.co/products/laforge...
*** Music ***
Linkin Park ft. Kiiara - Heavy (Nicky Romero Remix)
Up Next
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