ENCI Maastricht (Netherlands) Mavic Air 2 drone footage
Cement is one of the most basic and vital manufactured materials. It's produced from limestone, which goes through a series of is processes in a special-purpose plant (usually located near the quarry) and distributed. With considerable returns to scale, cement plants tend to be quite large, like the one you'll see in this drone video by AirVuz contributor and pilot Galliano. Located near the city of Maastricht in the eastern part of the Netherlands, it's a factory which is operated by Dutch cement company ENCI.
- over 4 years ago
- 306 VŪZ
11 - 7
- Report
during my hike near the old ENCI cement factory in Maastricht i took some droneshots in high wind speeds wich the mavic air 2 seems to handle just fine! I did get some video grain in some shots wich i am not sure why. I used an nd 16 filter with 25fp with a shutter speed of 50, iso at 100. Tips are welcome! Please subscribe to my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9fw8PGS9iDwIkd1Rd3HblQ and give it a thumbs up if you like the video!
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