Droning around Boston's Back Bay
Among the confusing aspects of navigating the city of Boston, Massachusetts is that it really has two downtowns - the Financial District at the end of the Boston Peninsula, and the Back Bay area to its west. Back Bay was built on land reclaimed from the Charles River in the late 1800's. Originally a residential district, it is also home to the city's two tallest skyscrapers as of 2019 - the Prudential and John Hancock centers. Check it out from above in this drone video by pilgrimdroner.
- over 5 years ago
- 1.0k VŪZ
22 - 14
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It's hard to describe Back Bay to someone who isn't from Boston. It's kind of another downtown, not as many skyscrapers as there are in the Financial District but the two most prominent ones (Pru and Hancock Centers).
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The Boston Common

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Boston's Museum of Fine Arts

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Wellesley College, Massachusetts

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Boston Back Bay

- Smith Cinematic Ae...
- 1.4k VŪZ
20 - 8
- over 8 years ago