Drone Video of the Month, February (2024)

  • about 1 year ago
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It’s time to give away $500 to the ‘Drone Video of the Month’ winner for February! Here’s how the contest works: Every single drone video uploaded to AirVuz.com is automatically entered into our ‘Drone Video of the Week’ contests. During each weekly contest, 5 videos are selected and 1 is crowned the Drone Video of the Week and given a $250 prize. Then, each Drone Video of the Week winner moves on to the ‘Drone Video of the Month’ contest. The team at AirVuz votes and then one video is selected to win an additional $500. 

Let’s take a quick look back at all of the ‘Drone Video of the Week’ winners from February.

“It's Time to Fly” - druno

“Iraq | A Big Misconception by Drone” - Lucaputzer

“Kazakhstan” - CINEMADRONE

“Portugal | Cinematic travel film” - Feeling Drone - Guillermo García


And now the one being named the Drone Video of the Month winner for February and getting the $500 prize is…


“Iraq | A Big Misconception by Drone” by Lucaputzer


AirVuz top contributor, Luca Putzer, traveled to Iraq twice in two months with his FPV drone to show you what he believes is the, “real Iraq.” See stunning footage of the mosques, shrines, cities and natural landscapes that make up this beautiful country.

To see the full videos featured in this contest, check out the February Drone Video of the Month collection.