Drifting.hu Allstars 11

  • over 1 year ago
  • 910 VŪZ
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A quick edit about the race from Mariapocs, July. I have tested high speed recordings of the gopro, as well as anamorphic lens (Kase 1:33). Actually for drifting the 2,7K @240 FPS worked pretty nice - although I have added this jaggy stopmotion effect + post defocus which pushed it back to 120 fps (double frames). I have just tested Davinci's depth map and tilt shift blur in Fusion, which created this miniature effect, and it cried for the stop motion style addition :) at least for me. I also used Topaz Video AI Enhance to upscale from 2,7K, it did a great job in clarity. . I fly my custom built drones, my custom designed frames. For more information pls visit https://www.instagram.com/pirch0/

Up Next

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Paraglider Friends

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Summer Summary 2018 MixTape

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fpv cinewhoop gopro szentendre magyarorszag hungary travel destination cinematic oldtown town historic onetake rooftops1:00

Szentendre - "City of Arts".

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Rally Car
