DT S1E10: Duel of the Fates
- about 8 years ago
- 5.6k VŪZ
29 - 23
- Report
On this season of Drone Trippin, AirVūz Pilots Zoe Stumbaugh, Shaun Taylor, Shelby Voll and Colby Curtola head on the road trip of their lives. The pilots travel through scenic destinations across the western USA with FPV whiz, Trey Player, in a droned-out R.V. to test their skills in quad building, freestyle flow, drone racing, and pilot accuracy. What better way to show off those skills than with some Star Wars challenges? See what ZoeFPV as Chewbacca, Nytfury as Kylo Ren, Shelby Voll as Darth Vader, and SFPV as Obi Wan Kanobe can bring to the table and get the scoop on what these pilots are like once the goggles are off!
Its the final face off between the champion of the Light Side, Colby-Wan Kanobe and champion of the Dark Side, Fly-Low Ren, also known as S_F_P_V and NYTFury. In this season 1 final episode the two champs race for dominance, but who will prevail? After an extended warmup pack, the heroes throw down between the redwoods at an epic campsite in Nevada City, California! VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Narrator: This is Drone Trippin. It's the final face-off between the light side and the dark side, as champions Colby won Kenobe and Valo Ren battle it out to prove who is the master of the universe. Master of the universe (echo). Colby: Shawn and I had [00:00:30] a face-off in the sand dunes and he challenged me to one last challenge in the Redwoods here in Tahoe, so we're gonna do a big race and I think that's when they'll crown the champion for the whole week. Shelby: We're all excited to fly in the mountains, in the trees. Just be in Lake Tahoe to fly... It really doesn't matter what we fly, but I think Colby and Shawn will race. It's gonna be cool. It's gonna be like Endoor. It's gonna be like the scene in Return of the Jedi, kind of. I don't see like a speeder bike, but they're just gonna do their own individual thing with their individual race with their quads. So it's gonna be pretty cool. Shawn: There's a great disturbance in the force. [inaudible 00:02:51] Release your [inaudible 00:02:51] You're gonna [00:02:30] have to bring more than that. The Jedi are about to fail for the last time. Colby better get on that [00:03:00] track and have every last [inaudible 00:03:36], [00:03:30] every last turn. Wow that [00:06:00] was awesome. [00:06:30] We're gonna be having our final race. This race is gonna be extremely difficult for the Jedi to win because the race is gonna consist of maneuvers that they're not familiar with. It's gonna consist of high speed, hairpins, every last bit of things the dark side has trained for up to this point. It's gonna... They're gonna have to really channel [00:07:00] their anger to win this one. Unnamed Man: You're gonna come over here, and over... Shawn: Straight across? Unnamed Man: Mm-hmm (affirmative) Right across. It's super. Shawn: Yeah, yeah. I already have mine on. Zoe: Do do do do do do do do do. Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh. Help me Obe won Kenobe. You're my only hope. Shawn: Man, [00:08:00] it's hard to see with the sun right there. [00:09:00] We started the race. I was out in front and we both failed miserably and slammed into this gap that we thought was so big. Ohhh contact! Colby: Dude! I [00:09:30] was in front of you. I [00:10:00] got in on Go Pro. Shawn: No way. Colby: Okay, let's look at it. After that one lap I decided, "Hey, let's just have some fun. Do some freestyle." And so we just kind of tried to see if we could do power loops through the bathroom and kind of in tight gaps underneath and I think we had some cool shots there. Narrator: [00:11:00] With both pilots crashing out, the final race is ruled an epic tie as the forces of the universe remain in balance until the next season of Drone Trippin is back. Zoe: It's like the first time you've had sex mixed with the first time you've ever driven a car and the first time you've ever jumped off a cliff all in one. Unnamed Woman: They are neck and neck right now. Colby: Hopefully we come across something tropical [00:11:30] looking, something visually pleasing and then just rip it up. Zoe: I don't think there's much more to it than that. Colby: We may need to slow down a little bit. We're gonna run out of island. Zoe: Dude! Like, it's actually ending. This whole crazy week is coming to an end. It's like starting to really hit me that it's over. Unnamed Man: Sad? Zoe: Yeah, I could [00:12:00] almost cry. Shelby: Had a great time. Love it. Thank you, Air Views. Thank you, tattoo. Thanks, TBRC. Without all you, this wouldn't have made. You made it happen. And think tank, spectrum, immersion... This was awesome. Legendary. Shawn: Alrighty guys, I will see you next time. Bye guys.
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