DT S1E1: Deeth Starr Valley
- over 8 years ago
- 4.6k VŪZ
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On this season of Drone Trippin, AirVūz Pilots Zoe Stumbaugh, Shaun Taylor, Shelby Voll and Colby Curtola head on the road trip of their lives. The pilots travel through scenic destinations across the western USA with FPV whiz, Trey Player, in a droned-out R.V. to test their skills in quad building, freestyle flow, drone racing, and pilot accuracy. What better way to show off those skills than with some Star Wars challenges? See what ZoeFPV as Chewbacca, Nytfury as Kylo Ren, Shelby Voll as Darth Vader, and SFPV as Luke Skywalker can bring to the table and get the scoop on what these pilots are like once the goggles are off!
Season 1, Episode 1, the crew will head to MultiRotorMania headquarters in California to grab some parts and burn some packs. As can be expected, things don’t go quite as planned. One quad ends up on MRM’s roof, while another goes rogue and attacks Shelby. Was it ‘the force’ or just an accident? On their way to the next spot, the crew stop at Deeth Starr Valley or, as we say, Death Star Valley. Give these pilots a wide open space and a quad and they’ll show you how to shred.
See more Drone Trippin at www.airvuz.com/user/Drone-Trippin VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Trey: [00:01:00] Hey guys. Come on in. Speaker 2: Alright. Speaker 3: This is Drone Trippin. [00:01:30] On this episode of Drone Trippin [inaudible 00:01:33] pilots are channeling their inner Star Wars spirit ... or spirit animal. Speaker 4: I sound like a turkey. Speaker 3: To build customized quad pod racers. First stop: Sacramento, California to gear up at Multi Rotor Mania, premiere drone supplier. Shelby: So we're at Multi Rotor Mania [inaudible 00:01:53] into their warehouse basically and flew all over, which was really awesome cause there a lot of ... holes they had all their inventory [00:02:00] stacked on the shelves, so there's these little pockets you could scooch through if you lined it up right and then go into the next line of inventory and shoot through that or go underneath everything, it was really awesome. Speaker 5: I had gotten some ... gear to build, so I got started on my MRN-250. Trey: He almost builds as fast as he flies, we were havin a time challenge to see who could build their quad's the fastest and Shaun knocked his out in about 32 minutes. He's absolutely fast. Speaker 5: [00:02:30] So Zoe and I set this little race track in the back of the MRN, doing some spirals, up and over the store, dropped down straight away, [inaudible 00:02:37]. It was pretty awesome. Lost a quad on the roof, so we had the gentlemen that jumped up on top of the roof with our help. Speaker 6: How the fuck is he gonna get down? Speaker 7: [00:03:00] Nice. Speaker 8: Alright, we saved the Quad, how do we save the man? Speaker 5: Got it back, that's pretty cool. Zoe: So, there was one, kind of major incident. Unfortunately, for Shelby, Quadcopter attacked him. Shelby: Hi. Speaker 9: Holy crap. Shelby: What the fuck? Zoe: I have my hands off [00:03:30] the controller. Speaker 9: I totally got that on camera. Zoe: The Quadcopter spins up to full throttle for half a second, pops up, hits Shelby in the arm, and just gnarred his whole arm up. Shelby: That was not nice. Just tagged me in the arm. [inaudible 00:03:44] my face. Zoe: I've never seen anything like that in my life. I've actually, kind of don't trust the machine anymore. Trey: We've got a long way to go, and I'm just interested to see where the force takes us. Colby: [00:04:00] From Sacramento, we drive straight out to Tahoe, through Reno, through Nevada, just building the pod racers, kind of getting everything ready for the shoot tomorrow. Pretty challenging, you know building ina a moving RV. Everything is really shaky. Zoe: Yeah, so the whole trip, we're in this bumpy RV, and the thing's just like rattling around. We're trying to build Quadcopters. Not a Quadcopter, not repairing a Quadcopter, but several Quadcopters. The whole time we're building [00:04:30] this crazy contraption. Which I'm pretty sure you know what it is, and if you don't, then you're not watching the right show. Colby: Alright, so three there, that'll look cool. Zoe: Yeah. Colby: I was thinking, maybe along, right there. Zoe: Yeah. Colby: Alright. My Podracer is modeled after Anakin's. It's the silver with the blue, and the white stripes. Some of them ... I'm on the white side, I'm Obi Wan, so I tried to make mine a little bit lighter. The other guys, [00:05:00] like Shelby has a black and gold one, he's Darth Vader. Trey: I don't think you'll be able to power a [inaudible 00:05:17]. It's a little sign. Zoe: He doesn't think he can power the sign. Shelby: How big is the sign? Zoe: Oh yeah, you definitely need to power loop that sign, Colby. Colby: The first place I actually got to, kind of enjoyed the scenery is when we D- [00:05:30] Star Valley. It was really bare in landscape, reminded me a lot of some Star Wars scenes. Zoe: D-Star, I keep thinking of it as Death Star Valley. Shelby: Do it. Colby: We got to fly a few packs, did a little bit of freestyle. Me and Zoe did some 3D flying. Saw [00:06:00] Shelby fly his Wing. Zoe: [00:06:30] Oh, that looks so cool. Colby: So, Shelby Voll, he's one of the top Wing pilots in the country, maybe the world. Speaker 5: Ah, Shelby Voll, yeah, that dudes fricken crazy skilled with the Wing. Shelby: Death Star Valley, yeah, could be. The line of that road was just sick. Straight, long, and just shot right into the ... the backdrop was sweet, the mountains. So, power looping that, going inverted down the street, that [00:07:00] was pretty sick. Speaker 5: Shelby Voll, he's hitting well over 100 MPH, almost killed our host, Trey. He was about, maybe six inches off his head. Speaker 11: It's fricken awesome, watching somebody that skilled, you know, be able to get it two, three feet off the ground at the speed. It's amazing. Trey: Yeah, I wasn't afraid, at all of Shelby flying down the road, getting that close to us so [00:07:30] that we could get that shot. Come down the road, Zoe. I'm gonna be right in the middle of the road, okay? Shelby: Top that. I [00:08:30] can say Death Valley here. That rocked. Speaker 3: Next episode ... Zoe: So, we're back on the road again. [00:09:00] We are at ... Nevada. Speaker 3: The pilots go to the Bonneville Salt Flats, for the [inaudible 00:09:22] challenge, making plenty of stops along the way, and they test out their custom Podracers for the first time. Trey: They're gonna fly it, like they build it. Yeah, [00:09:30] it's gonna be very interesting. Speaker 3: Be sure to go to Airvūz.com for all the latest Drone Trippin extras, including full flight logs from your favorite pilots. Shelby: [inaudible 00:09:42] Speaker 11: Oh god, is there a button for that? Trey: Looks like I have no choice but to keep pulling [inaudible 00:09:49] Speaker 11: Back up. Shelby: Keep going. Speaker 11: Is there a button for the stairs? Shelby: Keep going. Speaker 11: Alright, you're good. Speaker 10: Will [00:10:00] the stairs (beep) Speaker 11: Eggs. Speaker 10: Hair. Speaker 11: Fingernail clippings. Just makes it taste that much better. Speaker 10: A little bit of [inaudible 00:10:09] hair, yup you can see it right there. Trey: One second, my lav just dropped. Come on in.
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