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Croatian Flights
Taking us along the edges and through the body of Croatia, AirVuz contributor and first person view (FPV) pilot littlewing fpv has earned himself a spot on our AirVuz FPV Pilots to Watch list in October of 2019. There's something for everyone in this fantastic piece - coastal surfing with some impressive technical freestyle flourishes, sunset flights, runs over the trees, through the forest and over oyster farms. It's a great example of a travel FPV video, showing this increasingly popular tourist destination in an entirely new light.
- over 5 years ago
- 876 VŪZ
22 - 11
- Report
♫ M U S I C : 2CELLOS: "Hurt" ⌘ F O L L O W . M E . H E R E : Airvūz ► https://www.airvuz.com/user/littlewin... Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/littlewingfpv Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/littlewingfpv Vimeo ► https://vimeo.com/littlewingfilms YouTube ► https://youtube.com/c/littlewingfpv ✈ G E A R : FRAME ■ I m p u l s e R C . A l i e n . 5 . M r . S t e e l e " MOTORS ■ T-Motor F40 Pro III 2306 2600kV ESCS ■ Flyduino KISS 24A RE (v1.11b / Dshot600) PDB ■ ImpulseRC Mr Steele v2 FC ■ Flyduino KISS FC V1.03 (v1.3 RC36i) RX ■ TBS Crossfire Micro Rx V2 (CRSF) FPV-CAMERA ■ Foxeer XAT600 / Foxeer 2.5mm IR block (25°) VTX ■ TBS Unify Pro 5G8 HV - ANTENNA ■ TBS Triumph PROPELLERS ■ Ethix/HQProps S4 BATTERY ■ GensAce Tattu R-Line 3.0 4s 120C 1300mAh - STRAPS ■ Scorpion Lipoly Lock-Strap 205mm Small (two) HD-CAMERA-MOUNT ■ 25° wedge mount - STRAP ■ Gaui 280mm TX ■ FrSky Taranis X9D plus 'Black Beauty' (OpenTX 2.2.2) ■ FrSky M9 Hall Sensor Gimbals - MOD ■ VAS RG316 SMA - BATTERY ■ FrSky G-2000 LSD Ni-MH 7.2V 2000mAh - MODULE ■ TBS Crossfire Tx (v2.41) - ANTENNA ■ TBS Crossfire stock antenna GOGGLES ■ Fatshark Dominator HDO - BATTERY ■ Gens Ace Tattu 2s 2500mAh VRX ■ ImmersionRC rapidFIRE (v1.1.8) - ANTENNAS ■ VAS Mad Mushroom ■ VAS Crosshair HD-CAMERA ■ GoPro HERO5 Session - LENS PROTECTOR ■ Afunta GoPro HERO Session - MEMORY CARD ■ SanDisk Extreme microSDHC UHS-I 32GB ⟲ R A T E S : ROLL/PITCH □ 1.82 / 0.69 / 0.19 YAW □ 1.65 / 0.73 / 0.15 Please like, subscribe and share, LittleWing FPV ⌘
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