Cinewhoop GFW Canada Day Party
Canada Day is the national day of Canada that is celebrated July 1st of every year. It celebrates the anniversary of July 1st, 1867, the date of the Constitution Act which brought Canada’s provinces together to create the country. Canadians celebrate across the country, including mrhappefpv who celebrated by flying his Caddx Turtle V2 at the WhoopeeHD event. He’ll take in the glowing lights, dancers, and party goers in this Best Cinematic Micro Drones video.
- over 5 years ago
- 452 VŪZ
6 - 3
- Report
Did some cinewhooping with the tomoquads WhoopeeHD at a Canada Day event! The club setup and lighting made for a killer venue to fly through! The dancer's routine made for an awesome point of interest to fly around. I tried to pick an opportune time to fly through the hoop i swear haha. The size of the quad made it easy to fly and navigate above the crowd but couldn't really fly lower as the industrial size fan at the back of the dance floor made for a very turbulent low fly by. Actually before more ppl filled up the dance floor, the wind from the fan was pushing me to the back wall behind the DJ if I wasn't careful (i did tap it a few times...). It's easy to see the shortfall of the caddx turtle v2 in low light situation as everything looks muddy but a small rig such as this at about 81g with a 300mah 2s lipo, it is as people and crowd friendly as you can get.
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