Centro H
Contributor and pilot Fotovideorestudiosv created this drone video of San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador in Central America. The city was originally built by 16th century Spanish conquerors more or less on top of a native town which had stood there, but was shortly thereafter relocated southward to its present location in Boquerón Volcano Valley. It's one of the most seismic areas on earth, and the city has survived numerous earthquakes and eruptions from the nearby volcanoes.
- almost 7 years ago
- 644 VŪZ
11 - 8
- Report
Fantastico viaje de nuestro drone por el centro histórico de El Salvador.
Up Next
Punta Roca El Salvador Centro America

- fotovideorestudiosv
- 637 VŪZ
10 - 10
- over 6 years ago
Playa el Zonte

- fotovideorestudiosv
- 1.1k VŪZ
8 - 11
- almost 7 years ago

- fotovideorestudiosv
- 589 VŪZ
7 - 4
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Parque Arqueológico Tazumal

- fotovideorestudiosv
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12 - 8
- over 6 years ago
My pasion, my profession

- Avemkite
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0 - 0
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This is: Lienzo en el Aire
- lienzoenelaire
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33 - 16
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Game of Drones
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27 - 17
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Rooftop Movie Sesh - Mexico City

- Unraveled Studios
- 3.8k VŪZ
32 - 21
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TULUM, Mexico

- Biki_23!
- 1.4k VŪZ
2 - 4
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Twenty Seventeen Reel

- Alexgrro
- 1.1k VŪZ
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