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Here's an awesome aerial tour of the Brazilian interior city of Cuiabá, compliments of contributor and drone pilot G4DRONE. The capital of the state of Mato Grasso, it's one of the most important cities in the Center-West region of this gigantic South American country. It's considered one of the most important cities in the heart of Brazilian agricultural lands. Here, massive soybean fields and massive cattle herds provide a critical source of protein for hungry mouths around the world.
- almost 7 years ago
- 1.8k VŪZ
20 - 15
- Report
Homage of G4 DRONE to the state capital of Mato Grosso in Brazil to commemorate the 299th anniversary of Cuiabá. Also known as green city in Brazil.
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Aniversário de Cuiabá 298 Anos - Homenagem Drone Cuiabá 4K

- drone cuiabá
- 910 VŪZ
17 - 13
- about 7 years ago
Aniversário de Cuiabá 299 Anos - Homenagem Drone Cuiabá 4K

- drone cuiabá
- 792 VŪZ
16 - 10
- almost 7 years ago

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12 - 8
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G4 Drone | Skate + Drone
- João Grisoste
- 545 VŪZ
15 - 15
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Posada Hotel Apple House.
- @emotiondrones
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Pintor do mundo

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0 - 0
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Jade Seba x BL
- lucaspinhel
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115 - 49
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Olinda Pernambuco
- godronnerecife
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3 - 3
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Nevermind ..

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15 - 11
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“Why Shoot RAW?”
- BielPilot
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10 - 11
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