Bolivia by Motorbike and Drone | 4K
Brand-new AirVuz contributor expeditionsouth hit a "bullseye" with this spectacular drone video from Bolivia. He spent two months criss-crossing this landlocked South American country with a Kawasaki KLR 650 motorcycle and a DJI Mavic Pro drone. The DVOW winning video features footage from both the portion of the country covered by the Andes Mountains system as well as the northern portion, which is part of the Amazon River Basin. Check out the amazing aerials of the Uyuni Salt Flats, the "train cemetery", the Altiplano, and much more.
- about 5 years ago
- 6.1k VŪZ
38 - 26
- Report
Bolivia in South America - Join me in a 4K Drone Video experience as I drive my Kawasaki KLR 650 motorcycle across the entire country for 2 months across the Uyuni salt flat during both the dry and wet season, the jungles up north near La Paz, Cochabamba, all the way south to the Altiplano. This video is filmed entirely on a drone in 4K using my DJI mavic, and phantom 4 as i crashed one and upgraded to another later on during the trip. All the drone footage was filmed by myself, while riding the motorcycle at the same time using one hand to fly the drone manually and the other to steer the motorcycle simultaneously. No I did not use any of the preset drone features or active tracking because the software and hardware simply can not keep up with the fast moving motorcycle or pan outs, zoom out and specific shots I wanted to capture on this journey. I was a one man film crew... in some shots, it took me 4 batteries to capture just those 4 seconds of perfect smooth footage you'll see... it was the most difficult drone video I've ever captured.
Up Next
Drone Video of the Month - March (2020)

- Drone Video Contests
- 2.0k VŪZ
22 - 14
- almost 5 years ago
LADAKH INDIA: A Himalayan Motorcycle Adventure

- Alex Chacon
- 1.5k VŪZ
17 - 14
- about 4 years ago
Drone Video of the Week, Episode 10 (2020)

- Drone Video Contests
- 1.1k VŪZ
23 - 10
- about 5 years ago
South America: Peru & Bolivia by drone - 4K
- chris short
- 4.7k VŪZ
34 - 22
- almost 6 years ago
Beautiful Barren Bolivia | 4K | Drone, Timelapse, Astrolapse
- 14tooth Films
- 1.4k VŪZ
20 - 17
- almost 6 years ago
La Paz & Santa Cruz - Bolivia Cities Contrast - 4k - Mavic 2 Pro
- Mauricio Linares
- 1.9k VŪZ
6 - 5
- almost 2 years ago
Bolivia - Salar de uyuni
- Itay sorin
- 1.8k VŪZ
22 - 15
- almost 6 years ago
Salar de Uyuni: Bolivia's Salt Flats
- victorintheworld
- 9.5k VŪZ
55 - 44
- over 7 years ago
Bolivian Altiplano

- Simonology
- 2.2k VŪZ
13 - 20
- about 2 years ago
South America - Peru and Bolivia

- Cpt. Jojo
- 2.0k VŪZ
18 - 18
- over 6 years ago