Best of California


California is generally considered one of the USA's most photogenic states, so it's no surprise that AirVuz has thousands of drone videos uploaded from the Golden State.  In this video, the AirVuz editorial staff has compiled some of the best footage from three iconic California locations: (1) the Big Sur, an extremely pristine stretch of Pacific Ocean coastline south of Monterey Bay; (2) La Jolla, a beach community just north of San Diego; and (3) the Point Sur Lighthouse, at the southern end of Big Sur.  

  • almost 5 years ago
  • 1.1k VŪZ
  • 25
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To see the United States: California Collection CLICK HERE

Drone videos used in this compilation:

La Jolla Beach San Diego by Skyguy

Point Sur Lighthouse (Short Version) by jayxlamar

Adventure - Big Sur by Dave Yip

See more footage like this on DroneTV on Amazon Fire