Batad by Drone
- over 6 years ago
- 1.6k VŪZ
23 - 17
- Report
Hidden gem Batad, Philippines. Rice tarraces created over 2000 years ago by the Ifugao people. These are the highest, steepest and most complex terraces of the country. No roads lead to this amphitheater shaped town, you have to walk here. No roads, no traffic, no noise, no phone or internet signal, just stairs and the most unique peaceful place you’ve ever visited. Prepare to sweat going around the stairs and death defying walkways. The waterfall is among the best you’ll ever find, the swim is very welcome after the hike. Just don’t get too close to the waterfall, there’s a huge hole that sucks you in!
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Batad - Queen of All Rice Terraces

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