Ballet performance in the mountains of Mexico, Parque La Huasteca
If you want to see an example of the cinematic power of drones to create people-focused content in scenic environments, check out this drone video by OOO Photography. He filmed a ballet dancer in a park in the mountains of northern Mexico. The setting is the La Huasteca climbing park outside of Monterrey, in the state of Nueva Leon. The most amazing footage captures the dancer on a small point at the edge of a rock ledge set against the backdrop of the magnificent Sierra Madre Mountains.
- over 5 years ago
- 1.3k VŪZ
20 - 22
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Get to know beautiful mountain area and park La Huasteca in Mexico through ballet performance. Location: Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico Aerials shot on DJI Mavic 2
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Cueva de la Virgen

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Huasteca Potosina 2014

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- k2team.mty
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Dance Choreography Shot by Drone Inside of Old Iron and Steel Factory in Mexico
- OOO Photography
- 1.4k VŪZ
10 - 13
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Monterrey's Machaca Fest 2016

- thedronexperience
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