Bali Trip Adventures
Despite its relatively modest size, Bali is one of the best known islands in the giant archipelago of Indonesia. The island, which lies just to the east of much larger Java, is considered one of the world's top beach destinations. Contributor andn pilot Tiffany3ui brought some friends and a drone to Bali in 2017 and created this remarkable travel video. Watch it to get an aerial glimpse of glimpse Bali’s markets, beaches, and resorts, from the unique perspective that only a drone can deliver.
- over 7 years ago
- 11.1k VŪZ
50 - 59
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Watch this short video to get a glimpse into my Bali adventure!
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LUXURY RESORT in Indonesia

- fromabove
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Hawaii 2018
- tiffany3ui
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Aerial Adventures in Bali

- Tashfeen Ahmed
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Bali 2017

- Vaughan Wilson
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10 Yrs My Trip My Adventure - FPV

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Indonesia, Bali (GH5 + G9, mavic pro2)
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Bali Trip | Unbounded People

- 11 Shots Media
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Bali - Seminyak

- WeiS PRoDuCTioNS
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23 - 25
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Besos from Bali - Indonesia

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Gili Air Adventures - Bali Indonesia (Vlog)
- Sandrine Hecq
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79 - 37
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