Almost deleted this!!!
- almost 8 years ago
- 2.0k VŪZ
18 - 16
- Report
Was emptying out an SD card and can't believe I almost deleted this video the absolute last footage from my Vegas trip I'm flying a Team Legit Wombat even though it says a Twinsu.
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Training for CFLFPV...15-30mph Winds...BOOOOOM

- Shelby Voll
- 2.1k VŪZ
18 - 17
- about 8 years ago
Traffic Theory

- Shelby Voll
- 3.2k VŪZ
16 - 16
- about 8 years ago
What the Hay!!!

- Shelby Voll
- 990 VŪZ
17 - 11
- about 8 years ago
V Log #9 Opterra 6ft Wing!!!

- Shelby Voll
- 1.6k VŪZ
18 - 9
- about 8 years ago
Smoooth Mini Drak.....

- Shelby Voll
- 1.2k VŪZ
18 - 14
- about 7 years ago
Me and My Wing.....RiteWing HC 44

- Shelby Voll
- 5.0k VŪZ
25 - 27
- about 8 years ago
Damn Damn Damn.....

- Shelby Voll
- 964 VŪZ
14 - 14
- over 7 years ago
Take on That......Real Wing Freestlye - Part 1

- Shelby Voll
- 1.0k VŪZ
17 - 15
- about 7 years ago
Love at 1st Flight....RiteWing Hardcore 44

- Shelby Voll
- 4.5k VŪZ
22 - 20
- about 8 years ago
It's FPV Wing Freestyle - Rotor Riot Rampage

- Shelby Voll
- 940 VŪZ
4 - 3
- almost 2 years ago