Aerial Journey ~ 空拍旅程 (Ver.1)
This piece by pilot minglam is an aerial journey indeed. The global travel reel reaches a wide span, including: Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong; Cradle Mountain and other locations in Tasmania, Australia; Mont Saint Micheal, France; Parliament in Budapest, Hungary; Austria; Lake Bled in Slovenia; Skogafoss the famous waterfall in Iceland; Greece and so much more. We cannot image how long such a reel took to complete.
- about 6 years ago
- 888 VŪZ
9 - 10
- Report
Aerial Journey Best of Ming Lam (Ver.1) The Video capture so many country . Examplea part of European countries, etc. Greece iceland..... and HongKong Australia, Anafi, Bebop2 ,Mavic Pro, Mavic 2Pro, Osmo Pocket Motionlapse,Hyperlapse, Google Earth *** 建議 開音效 或 帶耳機 才有效果 *** Music : Heavenless - Dramatic Intense Instagram: @minglam1 ©2019 MingLam. All Rights Reserved. The Hong Kong Observatory and Hong Kong each foreign media had reported one 香港天文台 和 外國香港各傳媒曾報導過其中一段!U Magazine、Toppick Hket、World Walker 、HK港生活、明報. AirVuz,Dimsun Daily Hong Kong Observatory 香港天文台: https://www.facebook.com/1501511173272850/posts/2004293249661304/ U Magazine https://www.facebook.com/126261789615/posts/10159054393919616/ Airvuz https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2115612448681258&id=1606568989585609 Toppick Hket https://topick.hket.com/article/2246014/天氣潮濕港上空現雲海美景%E3%80%80雲海幾時出現專家話你知 正在旅行 World Walker https://www.facebook.com/WorldWalkerhk/videos/390655541706324/ 包括 明報 https://m.mingpao.com/ins/%e6%b8%af%e8%81%9e/article/20190108/s00001/1546928482465/%e7%9c%8b%e9%9b%b2%e6%b5%b7%e8%a6%81%e7%95%99%e6%84%8f%e9%9c%b2%e9%bb%9e%e6%ba%ab%e5%ba%a6-%e5%a4%a9%e6%96%87%e5%8f%b0%e6%95%99%e4%bd%a0%e9%bb%9e%e5%bd%b1%e5%a5%bd HK港生活 Hklife https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2329955720382106&id=835266909851002 #DiscoverHongKong #googleearth #minglamaerial #GoogleEarth #discoverHongKong #minglamaerial #航拍四圍攝
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