Above Romania
Take in these stunning drone views of the Southeast European country of Romania, compliments of top contributor and Drone Video Award Finalist BearSkillz. The video features footage from the Carpathian Mountains (including their various sub-ranges), which effectively surround the country's Transylvania and offer some of the finest alpine scenery in Europe. At the 2:45 mark, there's an epic shot of the Heroes' Cross on Caraiman Peak, a famous monument in the Bucegi Mountains which honors the country's World War I losses.
- about 7 years ago
- 2.7k VŪZ
32 - 18
- Report
Another video above Romania. New amazing locations.
Up Next
Rural Romania - From Above - Heaven on Earth

- BearSkillz
- 1.6k VŪZ
20 - 17
- over 6 years ago
Flying Over Romania

- BearSkillz
- 9.8k VŪZ
121 - 83
- almost 7 years ago
Romania - The Magic Land

- BearSkillz
- 6.0k VŪZ
52 - 47
- over 6 years ago
Winter Wonderland

- BearSkillz
- 1.7k VŪZ
28 - 25
- about 6 years ago
Fall In The Carpathian Mountains

- BearSkillz
- 4.1k VŪZ
39 - 39
- about 7 years ago
Be Free Like A Child

- BearSkillz
- 581 VŪZ
11 - 11
- over 5 years ago
Romania of the year 2020 - 15 minutes of amazing relaxing aerial video

- Nelstill
- 1.0k VŪZ
6 - 10
- about 4 years ago
- 1957981967562410
- 1.3k VŪZ
18 - 18
- about 7 years ago
Enjoy the autumn view
- duminciucbogdan
- 964 VŪZ
12 - 14
- over 6 years ago
The Szeklerland | Transylvania, Romania

- Nelstill
- 1.6k VŪZ
9 - 15
- over 2 years ago