AV News: Launchboxx
- almost 9 years ago
- 507 VŪZ
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- Report
Check out LaunchBoxx, the worlds first strategic marketing agency grounded in the drone industry. They are located in the drone hotbed of Fargo, North Dakota and offer services ranging from public relations to graphic design - all with an emphasis on the UAV industry. See for yourself how proper marketig techniques are critical to achieving success in the Drone business!
There are drone companies and marketing firms,
Tyler The drone industry is changing on a daily basis,
Justin Miler interview “We’re all just a bunch of drone lovers here, and
but until recently the two were separate entities.
Our Tyler Mason has the story about a first-of-its-
kind startup that merges the two together.
meaning new drone-related companies continue
to emerge. One company based in Fargo, North
Dakota, believes it’s the first of its kind in the
drone world.
Launchboxx was formed in the summer of 2015
and claims to be the first drone marketing firm in
the country. With a staff of 20 people,
Launchboxx caters to the marketing needs of
many types of drone companies.
“We are a full-service agency so we don’t really
differ on the services side, but our big
differentiator is that we understand the drone
landscape and we’re right in the middle of it. So
we can help build these strategies with that
knowledge that other agencies would have
problems with.”
Like other marketing firms, Launchboxx offers a
wide range of services. The company provides
their clients public relations, website
development, strategic planning, graphic design
and a number of other amenities.
But Launchboxx stands alone in the drone
marketing world thanks to its staff’s extensive
knowledge of drones and its location in the drone
hotbed of North Dakota.
we really love the industry and the way that it’s
developing. We feel that being here in Fargo
really positions us in a way that can help these
start-ups and these other companies in ways no
other agency can. We’re going to these meetings
on a weekly and monthly basis to learn about all
these new technology that hasn’t even been
published yet, so we really get a first-hand look
at what the market’s doing and how it’s changing
before anyone else does.”
Launchboxx was recently involved in helping
ESPN set up a drone photoshoot in Fargo. The
sports network contacted Launchboxx in search
of a company that could use drones to film North
Dakota State quarterback Carson Wentz for an
NFL Draft preview. Launchboxx referred ESPN to
Justin Miler interview “They requested a drone to shoot in downtown
Justin Miler interview “There’s already lots of companies right here in
SkySkopes, a Grand Forks-based company.
Fargo. It needs special clearance from our airport
because it’s closer than the regulations allow for
most other drone companies, and SkySkope’s
had the ability to work within these guidelines, so
naturally we recommended their services for the
job. We really love referring our partners and
clients for these jobs, too, so they can grow their
business and their portfolios.”
Launchboxx’s list of clients also includes Botlink
in Fargo and iSight RPV Services out of Grand
Forks, as well as other companies throughout the
United States.
Fargo and North Dakota that are in the drone
industry. There’s just an abundance of people for
us to connect with locally.”
At AirVuz News, I’m Tyler Mason.
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