ARCTIC CIRCLE The Amazing Journey
Even though Scandinavia is (more or less)( synonymous with Northern Europe, only a relatively small part of the region lies above the Arctic Circle - about half of Norway, roughly a third of Finland, a sixth of Sweden, a tiny slice of Ieland, and none of mainland Denmark. That's part of what makes this drone video by Panoramix so fascinating. It was filmed in the northernmost parts of Finland and Norway, well above the 22.5 degree north latitude parallel that marks the beginning of the Arctic Circle.
- almost 5 years ago
- 1.2k VŪZ
15 - 23
- Report
An amazing journey during last summer in the beautiful Far North around Norway and Finland. We discovered fantastic landscapes through fjiords and sea into an almost uncontaminated nature.
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- fdescds92
- 724 VŪZ
6 - 5
- about 2 months ago
A Breath of Helgeland Norway
- Chris Mansfeldt
- 1.1k VŪZ
11 - 14
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The Drone Dish: Southspear

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Norway: Life Above 66.33 Part 1
- nayyar2006
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Most beautiful Norway lofoten
- leehk0429
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The Hidden Masterpiece - Carrara, Italy

- Panoramix
- 1.9k VŪZ
24 - 18
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Polar Night

- haussmannvisuals
- 3.6k VŪZ
37 - 26
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Kungsfjall Arctic Circle Trails

- maartenfilms
- 1.3k VŪZ
19 - 12
- over 5 years ago
Thousand beluga

- Florian Ledoux
- 25.3k VŪZ
60 - 34
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The Steel Sunflower

- Panoramix
- 509 VŪZ
14 - 10
- about 4 years ago