8 Below @ Lake of the Ozarks - Christmas 2022


AirVuz contributor Ben Vens Creative bings us this excellent drone video from a very cold (yet not yet frozen) Lake of the Ozarks, a giant reservoir in the Midwestern USA state of Missouri.   In late 2022, the lake was hit with a mighty cold blast that reduced the local temperature to below zero Farenheit, causing steam to rise off of the much warmer lake water.  One of the largest lakes in the region, Lake of the Ozarks was created by the impoundment of the Osage River (a Missouri River tributary) during the 1930s.  

  • about 2 years ago
  • 1.3k VŪZ
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With water temps at 50 degrees and the bomb cyclone rolling in with -8 degree temps and -35 wind chill the lake transformed into a steaming work of art. Lake of the Ozarks is know for its large homes and speed boats ripping by. Its fun to capture the lake with no boats and in a different way.