Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Balma - Santuario Virgen de la Balma
- about 5 years ago
- 664 VŪZ
10 - 11
- Report
La Balma is an important pilgrimage center, both of the towns of Castellón and those of Teruel (Spain). There was a cult of Saint Mary Magdalene, at the beginning of the 20th century, and there were women from Aragón (Caspe and other villages) to cure themselves of being "demonized." This pilgrimage center against "Els Malignes" or demonized, It became popular in the 18th century, to request cures that were attributed in the past to demonic possessions (epilepsy attacks most of the time). The sanctuary has been declared a Historic Artistic Monument since 1979. La Balma es un importante centro de peregrinación, ambos pueblos de Castellón y los de Teruel (España). Hubo un culto a Santa María Magdalena, a principios del siglo XX, y había mujeres de Aragón (Caspe y otras aldeas) para curarse de ser "demonizadas". Este centro de peregrinación contra "Els Malignes" o demonizado, Se hizo popular en el siglo 18, para solicitar curas que fueron atribuidas en el pasado a posesiones demoníacas (la epilepsia ataca la mayor parte del tiempo). El santuario ha sido declarado Monumento Histórico Artístico desde 1979.
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