As drones evolve, so does drone regulation. From state law to federal regulation, FAA updates and AMA reports, to DJI research studies and certification “how-to” – AirVuz News has you covered.
The average drone pilot likely won’t get permission to fly over crowds of people any time soon. But CNN isn’t the average drone pilot. The cable news network is one of just three companies to get a waiver from the FAA to fly over people. Its latest waiver is all about the drone CNN will fly. The Snap Drone, built by Vantage Robotics, is designed to be safe around people.
Flying a drone in all 5 boroughs of New York City is prohibited. But leave it up to viral video sensation Casey Neistat to find a way around New York's rules and regulations. The footage is stunning, which explains the massive amount of views the video has garnered. However, with its popularity has come loads of questions about the flight's legality.
Thinking of taking the Part 107 Test but don't know where to start? Kendall Mark chats with AirVuz News Reporter Tyler Mason about his recent experience. Hear how he prepared, what the test was like, and what you should prepare for here! These may be the tips you need to ace the test to become a legit drone pilot.