Muğla Dalyan / TURKEY Teaser With İnspire
Check out this stunning drone video from southwestern Turkey, compliments of content creator and pilot Oset Medya. It was shot with a DJI Inspire 1 drone. Dalyan is a small town in the Muğla Province, near the southwesternn "corner" of Turkey. The town was the center of a controversy in the 1980's when developers proposed a resort that would have impinged on the breeding ground for a rare type of sea turtle. The project was eventually shelved following an international outcry, and the area is now protected under Turkish law.
- about 6 years ago
- 1.4k VŪZ
10 - 13
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Muğlada gerçekleştirdiğimiz çekimlerden hoş anılar.
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Turkey's Turquoise Coast
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Marmaris Trips

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- Oset Medya
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Marmaris - TURKEY 🏖

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Marmaris Trip

- OGB - Omer Gokcen
- 508 VŪZ
5 - 2
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