Cazanele Dunarii - Danube - Romania
While the Danube is not the longest in Europe it is generally considered its most important. It rises in Germany's Black Forest, and runs through four European capital cities (Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, and Belgrade) before discharging into the Black Sea in Romania. At 2.85k km (just under 1.8k mi.), it's second only to the Volga in length. In this video, contributor Fabriziob treats us to a drone's eye view of the mighty river as it flows through a region of Romania called Cazanele Dunarii.
- over 7 years ago
- 1.9k VŪZ
29 - 28
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Drone footage: https://www.facebook.com/GeorgeBUFANPhotography/ Editing: https://www.facebook.com/fabriziobenattimotionpictures/ Visit: https://www.cazaneledunarii.com/ "We invite you to explore the region where the Carpathians meet the Danube and form a spectacular defile. “La Cazane” is where the Danube contracts between the tall stone walls and the strong currents. Everything gives you the impression that the water is boiling. The 9 km-long defile is a true spectacle of nature and from one end to the other you can see heavenly sceneries and historic relicts of over 2000 years old." ( http://www.wonderfulromania.ro/en/la-cazane-maretia-carpatilor-intalneste-furia-dunarii/ )
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