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[4K] Constant Flow | Nossa Fazenda 2020 [DJI Mavic 2 Pro]
Take in these beautiful drone views from a hilly region of Southeastern Brazil, compliments of contributor VitorMarfioso. The video was filmed around the city of Ribeirão das Neves, which is essentially a satellite city of Belo Horizonte, the capital of the state of Minas Gerais and one of Brazil's half-dozen largest cities. The Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Area, of which Ribeirão das Neves is part, has a population of around six million as of 2022 and is the third-largest metropolitan area in Brazil after São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
- about 3 years ago
- 2.4k VŪZ
14 - 11
- Report
Shot on DJI Mavic 2 Pro 4K 30fps April 28, 2020 Credits: Footage: @vitor.marfioso Music: Scarborough Fair (England) - Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI OST © Copyright - 2020 - Vitor Carvalho. Reproduction without prior permission is prohibited -------------------- Interessado em comprar esta filmagem sem marca d'água/sem edição!? Contato: Instagram: @vitor.marfioso Interested in purchasing this unwatermarked/unedited footage!? Get in touch: Instagram: @vitor.marfioso -------------------- #brazil #brasil #ribeiraodasneves #esmeraldas #belohorizonte #djimavic2 #mavic2 #mavic2pro #drone #mavic2procinematic #djimavic2procinematic #mavic2prodrone #mavic2procinematicvideo #mavic2procinematicfootage #djidrones #cinematic #dronevideo #dronecinematic #bestdronevideos #cinematicdrone dji mavic 2 pro cinematic footage,dji mavic 2 pro cinematic video,mavic 2 pro cinematic,drone camera,cinematic drone video,dji mavic 2 pro cinematic test,dji mavic 2 pro footage,dji mavic 2 pro video test,mavic 2 pro cinematic footage,dji mavic 2 pro lut,drone youtubers, video,drone reviews 2022,dji mavic 2,mavic 2 cinematic,mavic 2 cinematic video,dji mavic 2 footage,dji mavic 2 pro review,ribeirão das neves,esmeraldas,belo horizonte,brasil,brazil
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